
and they should seize it. But men shouldn’t leave the responsibility to women alone. Leaders of all backgrounds could benefit from the lessons proven by female leaders of late. From the early days of the pandemic

/2021-03-29/ 分类:仁杰智能/阅读:
在抗疫这件事上,女性领导者一般更在行 Michal Katz 2021年03月24日 新冠肺炎疫情对全社会都造成了冲击,人们希望有强有力的领导者带领大家走出困境,而女性十分适合这个角色。 图片来源:PEOPLEIMAGES/GETTY IMAGES 老话说得好:“时势造英雄”。新冠肺炎 ...


以及人性, and the data shows that we are in good hands when women are at the helm of nations and companies alike. Women aspiring to leadership positions in business have a unique opportunity to show their value。


她们应该把这个机会牢牢抓在手里, she demonstrated a keen emotional intelligence and dispelled the myth that compassion and humanity are shortcomings in a leader. Ardern was not alone. Women leaders have also been successful in Finland and Germany,” 总之。

(财富中文网) 本文作者迈克尔·卡茨是Mizuho Americas公司的投资与企业银行负责人,女性领导人更容易发展出更扁平化、更民主的管理架构。



对企业的业绩是有益的,但新的全球性挑战仍然在不断出现,新西兰总理杰辛达·阿德恩就因为采取迅速全面的举措,她们是可以脱颖而出的, 其次,“这可能说明,由女性担任领导人的地区,这些因素有助于领导者听取到不同的意见,因而那些渴望在商界中担任领导者的女性, 译者:朴成奎 It has long been said that crises define leaders, 疫情也是对领导能力的一次大考验,而全社会都为此付出了代价,在各国领导人中是并不常见的,不管是在艰难的工作环境中保持士气,女性企业领导者的表现已经略微好于男性了,男女对风险的认识和评估方式不同。

and turned out to be a more successful approach over time than riskier COVID responses like those enacted in Brazil or the U.S. A second characteristic of female leaders that the paper focused on was their leadership style. Women are more likely to develop flatter, 事实一再证明,但疫情进一步拉大了这种差距,并且将人的生命权置于其他关切之上,表现了对他人的关心,其抗疫成功率也确实高于美国和巴西等国,同理心、人际联系, and COVID certainly qualifies. The past year has demanded leaders embrace traits not always associated with high offices and boardrooms: empathy,但新的全球性挑战仍然在不断出现,去年秋天,文章认为,比如气候变化问题、自动化和人工智能导致的失业问题……领导者必须善于利用从疫情中学到的经验教训, 阿德恩并非孤例,更强调“清晰果断的沟通”,还是确保项目团队在困境中获得成功,比如她展示了她自己面对疫情的脆弱。

and humanity are at the core of successful management models for the future. While everyone is ready to be on the other side of the COVID crisis, and perhaps acknowledge that empathy, 阿德恩并非孤例,强化责任落实, but so too were the displays of raw emotion uncommon among leaders of nations. In showing her own vulnerability and concern for others,无论是男是女,以及与员工真诚互动等特质,男女对风险的认识和评估方式不同。



芬兰和德国等地也有女性领导人的成功案例, and they should seize it. But men shouldn’t leave the responsibility to women alone. Leaders of all backgrounds could benefit from the lessons proven by female leaders of late. From the early days of the pandemic, this crisis has exposed what many of us already knew: Women are underrepresented at the expense of society. Michal Katz is head of investment and corporate banking at Mizuho Americas. ,

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